Geraldo Rivera is a talking head that can’t seem to shut up. He’s almost never right about anything, yet he’s given a platform to spew his nonsense on a regular basis. I guess this is what Fox News means by “fair and balanced.” Rivera, being hispanic, has taken up the pet cause of illegal immigration. […]
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter Made A Fool Of A Trump-Hating Reporter On His Own Show
Ann Coulter, on top of being one of the biggest Trump supporters there are, is one of the smartest political pundits in the business. Her book, Adios America, talks about the scourge of illegal immigration in the country and how it has shaped the political arena and tainted what was once a great country to […]
FLASHBACK: They LAUGHED At Ann Coulter When She Said Trump Will Win. WHO’S LAUGHING NOW?!
I always like looking back in time and seeing what dumb statements liberals have made about why they think they know so much more than the rest of us. There’s perhaps no better example of this than when Ann Coulter showed up on Bill Maher’s show in June of 2015 to talk about who will […]
Ann Coulter Just SHUT DOWN Every Trump Hater In Less Than A Minute! She’s FIRED UP!
We love Ann Coulter because, just like Trump, she’s smart, witty and can protect herself against the barbs of the leftist mainstream media. She’s also a huge Trump supporter because he’s the only candidate willing to say anything worth a darn about the awful illegal immigrant problem. That’s why in one video tweet, lasting just […]
When They Said “Trump HATES Women!” Ann Coulter KNOCKED OUT Every Trump Hater!
Ann Coulter is one of the greatest voices in the conservative media today. She’s unapologetic, opinionated, and heaps smarter than any liberal that challenges her to a debate. That’s why it’s such a great thing that she’s endorsed Donald Trump for President, mainly for his stance on immigration. Ann has been on countless shows promoting […]
Ann Coulter EXPOSES How The Republicans Plan To STEAL The Election From Trump!
Ann Coulter has repeatedly come to the defense of Donald Trump and this time she’s fired up! After Donald Trump was blamed for all of the violence at his rallies, at which there has been very little since more of the “violence” was from the protesters themselves, Coulter came to Trump’s defense and called out […]
MUST-WATCH: Ann Coulter Explains Why ONLY Donald Trump Can Win! This Is IT!
Here’s something that’s guaranteed to brighten your morning. Before the South Carolina primaries, Ann Coulter, political pundit and best-selling author, dropped a truth bomb on every single other candidate in the race. Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and even those on the liberal side should be absolutely shaking in their boots because, honestly, this is one […]
When Republicans Attacked Trump, Ann Coulter Hit ‘Em Back With A KNOCKOUT Punch!
Ann Coulter is a polarizing figure. When it matters, she stands up and says no. And this time it’s about our man Trump. Nikki Haley’s rebuttal speech after the state of the union was largely panned as good, but Coulter saw right through it, tweeting that Trump should deport Haley. Coulter said that the speech […]
Here Are The Top Ten Celebrities That Support Donald Trump! Are You With Them?
Donald Trump has friends in high places, he also friends that are hardcore conservatives in liberal Hollywood. Whether it’s his hard-line stance on immigration or the fact that he’s a businessman that knows how to make money, there’s a lot for successful celebrities to get behind and support. It’s no surprise that A-list talent is […]
Ann Coulter: “Every Presidential Candidate Should Drop Out…Except Trump!” WHOA!
Ann Coulter has been a conservative ally to the Trump campaign for a while, siding with Trump on every major issue since the start of his candidacy, but what she just wrote in a Town Hall column may have taken the cake for the most incendiary jab against the Republican party that she’s taken in […]