It’s no secret that Obama has single-handedly turned America into a gigantic politically correct, wuss fest. In fact, Obama has taken it so far that he’s actually told the military that they are less important than terrorists. You read that correctly. According to reports, a former U.S. special operations forces member is speaking out about […]
Al Qaeda
Islamic Terrorists Target Americans, Kill 16 INNOCENT People, Obama Does WHAT?! OMG!
Here’s more proof that the Liberal media and Barack Obama are actively trying to cover up radical Muslim behavior and terrorism. In the Ivory Coast region of Africa, radical Muslim terrorists shouted “Allah Akbar” and shot dead a Christian 5 year old boy as he prayed for his life. The terrorists then moved on to […]
ISIS Is Spreading And Obama Is Sending Troops WHERE?! This Proves He Has NO CLUE!
Obama continues to just not get it. ISIS is the other way! It’s true Afghanistan is a hot bed for terrorism, especially Al Qaeda. While it’s important to keep a close eye on the region, ISIS is our #1 threat to our way of life and Obama is doing nothing to stop them. The air […]
Syrian Immigrants In Kentucky Sent Weapons To ISIS Members In Iraq! Obama, WTF?!
Liberals and Democrats, take note of this story as eventually this won’t be the exception, it’ll be the rule for Syrians and middle eastern immigrants to America. Let’s all remember this story as it now shines a huge light on what happens when we let possible terrorists within our borders. Back in 2011, 2 men […]
ISIS And Al Qaeda Are Joining Forces Against America And Obama Is SILENT
This is a red alert for anyone in our government – our two greatest ideological enemies are planning a truce in order to join forces against their greatest threat – the Western world. Not only is this an absolute validation of why we need a strong military, but it’s why we need to take pre-emptive […]