Stop me if you’ve heard this one. One day after a fundraiser, Barack and Michelle Obama were flying on a private jet with Hillary Clinton. Obama looked at Hillary, chuckled and said, ‘You know, I could throw a $100 bill out of the window right now and make somebody very happy. Hillary shrugged her shoulders and replied, ‘I […]
Air Force One
Why Are Liberal Idiots Sharing This Picture Of Refugees On The Wings Of Air Force One?
It should come as no surprise to you that liberals don’t have all their tools in their toolbox. It should also come as no surprise to you that they don’t check their sources and take whatever they see on the internet as fact – but you know better. Recently, the internet satire website known as […]
While Homeless Veterans Die On The Streets, Obama Does THIS! He Must Be STOPPED!
Sometimes I’m at a loss for words. This might be one of those times. As homeless veterans die in our streets and most Americans are living below the poverty line, Obama continues to increase his own record for taking the more vacations on the American taxpayer’s dime than any other in history. Most celebrities, who […]
Obama Spent Millions Of OUR Tax Dollars PAYING OFF Celebrities! Impeach NOW!
How have we not impeached this man yet? How is this even legal? Obama and his family recently went to Hollywood to rub elbows with the elite. Why his family needed to go, I will never know. Anyway, all he did while he was there was try to fleece the liberal majority for money. Which […]
As ISIS Plans Its Next Attack, Obama Says “**** You, America! I’m Going On Vacation!”
Obama, you are the absolute height of human scum. I truly can’t believe this. Obama has the audacity to take his family on a vacation at this time of year when veterans are dying in our own country from lack of proper support, millions are jobless, and our own troops die overseas. And he basically […]