Here’s yet ANOTHER reason why Donald Trump should be president. For everything we continue to hear about Trump not caring about America, Americans, and that he’s trying to do to destroy this country, it all seems like it’s just to get a story and get viewership. Political outlets continue to bash Trump for being racist, […]
EXPOSED: Hillary Spoke Out AGAINST Islam And Now She Wants This Video GONE!
There are a few certainties in life: paying taxes, death, losing money in Vegas, and Hillary Clinton lying. And this one could be her biggest one yet. As soon as Donald Trump proclaimed we needed a ban on all muslim immigrants until we can “figure out what’s going on” liberals, especially Clinton, we bananas and […]
Obama Tries To Cover Up Domestic Terror! Here’s the PROOF He Doesn’t Want You To See!
Wow. Just wow. This is completely insane! This country is going nuts. The terrorism blindness and ignorance is just staggering. According to a report just across our desks, the NYPD has been directed by a U.S. court to remove all mention of islamic terror in the west and any uprising they’ve found. Why? Because muslims […]
REPORT: U.S. Has Lowest Confidence In Obama Ever. He’s THROUGH!
Obama has sunk to a new low as his administration’s ratings have taken a nose dive with U.S. residents having the lowest confidence in the government to protect them from terrorist attacks. This comes hot on the heels of yet another shooting in the U.S. in San Bernadino, California. In the aftermath, the U.S. community […]
Liberals Shut Down 9/11 Remembrance. Say It’s Offensive To Muslims. This Is An OUTRAGE!
More proof today about how backward, insecure, and insular America’s college campuses are becoming. University of Minnesota’s Theo Menon, student group representative to the Minnesota Student Association (MSA) for the College Republicans, recently proposed a resolution for a moment of recognition on future anniversaries of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Well apparently this was […]
When Jeb Bush Selfishly Exploited The 9/11 Attacks, Donald Trump Shut. Him. DOWN!
When Donald Trump means business, he will stop at nothing to make his point – but today is the day when he drew his line in the sand, and with big shot Jeb Bush, no less with this epic back and forth between these hugely influential political figures. In an interview with Trump on Bloomberg, […]
These Liberals Can’t Remember What 9/11 Is About And It’s Making My Blood BOIL
On the note of completely ridiculous, I’ve found a video that might make some so blind with rage that they might break their own phone or computer; which ever you’re reading this on. The Young America’s Foundation has a YouTube channel and there are many different videos on there worthy of watching. This one especially […]
When This College Banned The Flag On 9/11, Patriots Set ‘Em Straight [WATCH]
Not a ton of things offend me. Liberals, backward gun control laws, and anything considering the middle east and that’s usually it. Sure things bother me, but rarely do I see stories that truly get be twisted up into a rage quite like this one. The University of Illinois, which my future children will now […]
Liberal Colleges Are Teaching Kids That 9/11 Was Our Fault [READ]
This is utter insanity. Completely unreal. The New York Post is reporting that students at colleges across the nation are being taught that 9/11 was the fault of America. Which is just flat out false. It was the fault of radical muslim terrorists hellbent on destroying anything they could to further an archaic and failing […]