CHOO CHOO! Trump train steaming through. Will passengers Tom Brady and Mike Ditka now board at Make America Great Station? That’s right Trump is gathering more support, this time coming directly from NFL star Tom Brady and legendary coach Mike Ditka. Brady, who has come under fire recently for the now infamous “Deflate-gate” has been […]
2016 Election
Trump Just DESTROYED Every Other Republican With 8 Simple Words. TRUTH!
Another Trump rally, another barrage of insults and truth. Trump is tackling the highest in our government and the Iran deal, saying that it was “incompetently negotiated.” I couldn’t agree more with that statement as the Iran deal is a bunch of garbage in exchange for Iran oil reserves and also dealing with a nation […]
BREAKING: This Senator Just Admitted That Other Candidates Are SCARED Of Trump!
The Trump train just seems to keep picking up steam, doesn’t it? In an interview with CNN, Senator Harry Reid spells out a few things regarding Donald Trump – and they’re quite telling of the political climate in which every other Republican and Democratic candidate is shaking in their boots at the sight of Trump […]
Trump Just Got A BIG Supporter, This Could Put Him Over The Top! YES!
Another big political name is backing leading man Donald Trump. Newt Gingrich knows a thing or two about politics, especially since he used to be the speaker of the house during the Bill Clinton administration. Not only is he backing our man, but he has some choice words for Trump. I think he’s modulating. […]
Joe Biden Just Threw Hillary Clinton Under The Bus. HA HA HA!
As much as I hate to admit it, all presidential news is newsworthy until we have a winner in 2016. Even democratic news deserves headlines. Especially when it’s this juicy. Mr. is-he-or-isn’t-he running for president, current vice president Joe Biden, just gave Bernie Sanders a BIG leg up on Hillary Clinton. This is all very […]
FBI Just Found Classified Info In Hillary Clinton’s Emails And She’s FREAKING Out!
No matter how many scandals we see surround politicians, there’s a saying: If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and acts like a duck, it’s probably a duck. Case in point is Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, in which the FBI investigated her private server for leaking and/or deleting email that had classified […]
If You Want To See Hillary Clinton Speak, She’ll Force You To Vote For Her!
In Cleveland, Ohio, the Hitlery Clinton train rolls on and on. This time, the news is both troubling and hilarious. At the event, Clinton made people sign a pledge document to attend and see her speak. Completely ridiculous. Here’s a tweet of the pledge: Hillary Has Millennials sign commitment pledge in order to attend […]
When Geraldo Said “Illegals Don’t Commit Crimes!” Ann Coulter Shut Him DOWN!
Geraldo Rivera is a talking head that can’t seem to shut up. He’s almost never right about anything, yet he’s given a platform to spew his nonsense on a regular basis. I guess this is what Fox News means by “fair and balanced.” Rivera, being hispanic, has taken up the pet cause of illegal immigration. […]
Hillary Clinton Visits A Farm. What Happened Next…HA HA!
Stop me if you’ve heard this one. Hillary Clinton decided to do one of her campaign speeches against the backdrop of an American farm, but the ceremony couldn’t get started because of all the flies buzzing around her head. Clinton demanded to know why the flies wouldn’t leave, so the farmer explained to her, “Well, those are called circle […]
Holocaust Survivor Explains How Obama-Loving Democrats And Hitler Have The Same EVIL Plan
Kitty Werthmann is a survivor of the second World War and lived through Hitler’s reign. Here is her story and warning to all Americans. It’s a long read, but it’s one of the most important things you’ll ever read about our political system, and why The United States of America is the greatest country in the […]