You can’t make this stuff up folks. You’re going to want to share this one far and wide.
The delusion of the left seems to get worse and worse every single day. From blocking the travel ban which actually protect Americans to rioting against the freedom of speech at UC Berkley, the liberals are resorting to stupidity and violence to get their messages of hate across. Nanci Pelosi just exercised the stupidity portion of their platform.
As she spoke out against Trump she made a verbal faux pas when talked to the press. Watch below and try not to cringe too hard.
Yes you heard that right, she still thinks we have a Bush in office. She is so one track minded that she couldn’t even say the name of our current president correctly. What’s even worse is the liberal shill that accompanied her, California Congresswoman Maxine Waters thinks Russia has invaded Korea.
These are supposed to be the top Democrat minds in the world and they cannot even say exactly what’s happening. If these verbal slip ups were happening on the conservative side, every liberal news outlet would be crying that this is fake news. But not us. We’re just pointing and laughing at how insane they are.
Let’s do them a favor and share this everywhere to show how unhinged they’ve truly become.