From the time it became apparent that Donald Trump might win the Presidency, liberals have been freaking out in unison about one thing; he’s going to have control of the military. On Thursday night President Trump fulfilled the worst fears of the bleeding heart liberals when he ordered a missile strike on Syria.
This attack was in retaliation for their use of a chemical weapon that killed roughly 80 people, including many women and children. However, President Trump’s political adversaries have still found a way to fault him and are up in arms about his recent attack.
Dr. Gorka points out some very interesting things about former President Obama and Susan Rice as well as the ever present Russians. It seems that the President is STILL just cleaning up the mess that Obama made for him. President Obama, Susan Rice and others all assured us that there was nothing to fear from Syria.
Maybe they had nothing to fear from Syria, but the Syrians weren’t so lucky. Dozens of them had the life choked out of them on what they probably thought was going to be a normal Thursday. Do you suppose Syrians really want to become refugees and immigrate to the US? Perhaps, they’d like to have a country that isn’t run by a sadistic dictator, keep their homes and have a happy life in their homeland. Maybe, instead of trying to control how and where they live, we intervene, cut off the head of this particular snake and save everyone the cost of moving.
So what would we take away from this? Was this a big show of force by our new Commander in Chief? Was he flexing his newfound military muscle for the world to see? Was there a message that he wanted to give to the world? Yes, to all of that. According to Gorka the whole world should take one message away from this attack:
“No one gets to use chemical weapons against women and children.”
(Source: Fox News)