Even though the Left enjoys near ubiquitous control over the media, both news and entertainment, there are still plenty of folks that are immune to their propaganda. It can be a difficult thing, breaking free of progressive programming, especially for those still in school, where they’re doubly beat down with far-left ideas.
But one students’ shenanigans in Georgia reminds us that there’s still a glimmer of hope that the young people of today are capable of seeing through the Left’s insidious lies.
As reported at the Daily Caller, a seventh grader from Dekalb, Georgia, appropriately named Jaxon Jester, took a school field trip to CNN’s Atlanta headquarters this week. Realizing the opportunity, he showed up wearing a shirt mocking the disgraceful news company, with the graphic “FNN” and “fake news network” underneath. Apparently, Jaxon is what kids these days call “woke.”
The rather innocuous shirt caught the eye of teachers, who forced him to change if he wanted to participate in the field trip. The Jester family was rightfully upset at the decision, as they claim it violated their son’s First Amendment rights.
Fearing a brewing storm of bad PR, the Peachtree Charter Middle School later issued an apology to the Jesters, but it was too little too late. Across the town of Dekalb, debate has been raging, from the halls of school to online forums. Many folks have defended the school’s censorship and claimed it was the Jester’s responsibility to curb their kid’s political views.
Funny how this is always a response given when it involves a student making a conservative political statement, because no one ever says a thing when students make left-wing political ones. If some moron showed up with a Che Guevara shirt, no one would bat an eye.
Jaxon’s dad Stan wrote a blog to try to shed light on the situation. He wrote the following:
“This year when the CNN tour was announced, my 7th grade son Jaxon asked me if he could purchase an FNN-Fake News Network shirt to wear for his field trip. As an advocate for the First Amendment, I agreed to his request. He picked out the shirt he wanted and and ordered it from Amazon. His mother cautioned him that he might cause a controversy and needed to be prepared for that. He was fully aware of the implications of his decision and made the affirmative choice to wear his shirt.”
Stan says he’s “disappointed by the hypocrisy of the situation” and dismayed by how the school handled his son’s situation. “I defend speech and expression, even if I disagree, or it makes me uncomfortable,” he continued.
Hopefully, Stan and Jaxon learn the important lesson here that leftists don’t reciprocate those feelings when it comes to free thought and speech. They don’t want opposing views to exist and are more than happy to use any means necessary to silence them. Whether that be through laws, de-platforming from places like Twitter and Facebook, threats, social ostracism, or all of the above.
‘Free speech for me but no for thee’ is the Left’s mantra, and no conservative should be under the illusion that if we say and believe things like “I defend speech and expression, even if I disagree, or it makes me uncomfortable” that they’ll feel and act in the same manner.
Source: Daily Caller