The latest piece of liberal idiocy floating around the internet was debunked by Rush Limbaugh Tuesday. Fake news outlets aired multiple hand-wringing stories about President Trump’s diet soda habit.
Trump apparently downs a 12-pack of diet coke a day. No one would argue that the caffeine and artificial sugar bursts improve his health, but Democrats are trying to pretend that Trump’s habit is so bad it’s causing dementia.
“He’s got more energy than most of the people covering him. He’s got more mental acuity. He’s more intelligent, he knows more — he simply has absorbed more knowledge — than most of those covering him. And jacked up on caffeine? I don’t know. Look, the caffeine content of Diet Coke, I can’t attest to. Everything’s personal,” Limbaugh said.
“I can’t attest caffeine doesn’t affect me at all… So this is the kind of stuff, folks — this is the kind of irresponsibility — that could lead to Diet Coke being taken off the market.”
Sorry liberals, your novel diet coke attack has already fizzled out. Trump doesn’t have dementia; he’s proven over and over again that he’s a capable politician who knows exactly what he’s doing.
“That’s a lot of caffeine! We don’t know if he takes other sources of caffeine. It causes a lot of irritability, insomnia. Sometimes you become more unfocused when you’re drinking that much caffeine,” CNN fraud Dr. Sanjay Gupta hinted.
Everyone knows that diet soda is bad, but no one can say exactly why. Gupta just wanted to take a dig at Trump’s mental fitness. It’s absurd that liberals are trying to link political competence with soda drinking habits.
“I mean, these people are so crazy that if they want to use Diet Coke and 12 cans of it a
day to prove that Trump has got dementia, is gonna have dementia, gonna get dementia, gonna have a stroke or has had a stroke, then that’s how they would lead to getting Diet Coke off the market,” raved Limbaugh.
“And it would all be to further establish the connection between Trump’s insanity and dementia and whatever else they claim he is to his Diet Coke consumption.”