Liberals pounced on Rush Limbaugh this week after the radio host made an offhand comment about pervert of the hour Roy Moore.
“Did you know that when all this stuff was happening before 1992, Roy Moore was a Democrat?” That’s it! That is it!” Limbaugh said emphatically.
Moore is accused sexually abusing young girls when he was he was in his 30’s. Five separate women claim that the Alabama judge traumatized them by pursuing them when they were teenagers.
Liberals are pretending as though Limbaugh’s statement of fact is an endorsement of Moore’s actions.
“And it’s amazing now, there are people who think that was a defense of Roy Moore and that I, El Rushbo, was trying to point out that the hypocrisy was that, since he was a Democrat, it had all happened when he was a Democrat and nobody cared about it when he was a Democrat, that somehow this is a defense of whatever he’s alleged to have done today,” Limbaugh said.
If Moore cared about his party, he would step down from the race. Democrat Doug Jones, his opponent, has a real chance of scooping up an Alabama Senate seat. Voters don’t want to support a pedophile, but they also don’t want to be represented by a Democrat on the national stage.
“I defy anybody to find where I have even got anywhere near support or outright condemnation,” Limbaugh continued. “I have handled this like I handle all of these things; I back off and wait to see what the truth is.”
From his press conference today, it seems Roy Moore either was in fact inappropriate with young women or there is a massive conspiracy against him. Even Big Foot wouldn't buy the latter.
— Steve Westly (@SteveWestly) November 15, 2017