Unfortunately for conservatives, President Trump has faced unprecedented push-back from his own party when it comes to implementing his agenda. There are a lot of folks in the GOP that detest the president, and who are more inclined to work with Democrats.
John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, etc., have all publicly signaled against the president on numerous occasions. While they’ve all said and done some ridiculous things, they’ve just been one-upped by another anti-Trump comrade, who went on the ABC network to trash Trump on Sunday.
As reported at the Daily Beast, Republican Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona appears to have a thing for hyperbole, as he made an extreme statement comparing Trump to the most infamous 20th-century communist tyrant.
Flake, whose name describes him perfectly, said Trump’s attacks on the press are Stalin-esque, adding that he will be giving a speech this week on the issue to coincide with Trump’s “fake news awards” to be unveiled on Wednesday.
“When you reflexively refer to the press as the ‘enemy of the people’ or fake news, that has real damage. It has real damage to our standing in the world,” Flake, a top critic of the president, said on ABC’s This Week. “And I noted how bad it is for a president to take what was popularized by Joseph Stalin—the enemy of the people, to refer to the press.”
Flake sounds just like the rest of the losers infesting the GOP, who are always too cowardly to say or do anything that might waves with the liberal press. They fear the left-wing media and how they’ll attack be attacked, so they act like the well controlled opposition that they’ve effectively been for years. People like Flake are perfectly comfortable stabbing the conservative base in the back repeatedly, just so long as they can say their names in the NYT or WaPo with some neutral or positive words affixed.
The funny thing is, morons like Flake will wring their hands about Trump, and even compare him to mass-murdering Stalin, yet they won’t utter a word about the complete domination and control the Left exercises on information and media in America.
There’s nothing Stalin-esque about calling out insane left-wing bias and lies. Just because he’s the president doesn’t mean he has to sit back and let some liberal coastal elites sit in front of the camera and their keyboards and spread misinformation about him. Flake should man-up and understand that we’re fighting for the very soul of the nation, and that trying to be “Mr. Sensible” Republican does nothing but play into the Left’s hands.
Source: Daily Beast