The GOP suffered a major defeat this week in Alabama. While the Left wants to act like it was some kind of harbinger for things to come, the reality is that Roy Moore was abandoned by his party and accused of being a molester 24/7, so it’s not that surprising he ultimately lost.
The defeat does major damage to the GOP’s slim and failing majority in the Senate, and will make holding onto it that much more difficult in the 2018 midterms. While Moore has been de facto defeated, the stubborn judge is refusing to officially drop out, citing the possibility he could still come out on top. To this delusional claim, the President Trump has one message–drop out already.
As reported at Politico, on Friday, Trump said that Moore should stop hoping for a miracle and concede defeat already, understanding that his stubbornness is just making the whole situation more embarrassing than it already is. The best policy now would be to move on as quickly as possible and not give the left-wing media a reason to continue talking about the disastrous campaign.
“I think he should. He tried. I want to support, always, I want to support the person running. We need the seat, we’d like to have the seat,” the president said Friday when asked by reporters what he thought of Moore’s defiance. “As far as Roy Moore, yeah, it’s — I would certainly say he should.”
Democrat Doug Jones narrowly defeated Moore Tuesday in a race he should have lost by double digits. His victory means that Alabama will be sending it’s first Democrat to the Senate in 25 years.
Despite the Republican Party’s eagerness to betray Moore when the first accusations came out, President Trump stayed by his side to the end. Which is certainly a major reason why he wants Moore to just go away already, as the whole ordeal makes the president look bad.
Trump did all he could to keep Moore afloat, but it just wasn’t enough. The relentlessly negative coverage and lack of party support were just too much to overcome, even in the deep-red Alabama. Moore should realize the damage he’s doing to the president by sticking around and concede defeat graciously. That way, we can move on from this disaster and get ready for the next major battle in 2018.
Source: Politico