One HUGE thorn in the side of every Republican is the Affordable Care Act (ACA) that was aptly nicknamed “Obamacare.” This nickname works so well because the ACA takes care of health care about as well as Obama took care of the rest of the nation. Which is the same as to say that they ruined it? President Trump promised those who voted for him that he would remove this humiliation to our health care system and hand taking care of Americans back to the free market.
Now, according to a report from the Mercatus Center repealing the Affordable Care Act could reduce the deficit by as much as $1.07 trillion.
“Repeal, effective in 2018, of the ACA’s various spending and tax increases is expected to reduce federal deficits by a combined $586 billion through 2026, with plausible outcomes ranging from $228 billion to $1.07 trillion in net deficit reduction,” the report states.
According to the Washington Free Beacon:
“Obamacare failed to produce cost-savings because it put priority on increasing coverage rather than cost containment. This focus increased expenditures while failing to collect enough revenue to compensate for the higher spending.
While the Congressional Budget Office projected that the law would reduce deficits, it based these estimates with a baseline from the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, which was different from the actual law.”
So what we’re essentially trying to tell you is that not only did Obamacare double and triple premiums and prevent people from seeing their prefered doctor but it also cost a crap ton of money on the governmental level.
According to Charles Blahous, senior research fellow at the Mercatus Center and author of the study “in the context of any future health care legislation, [lawmakers] cannot responsibly ignore the implications of health care policy for federal finances.”
Whether or not lawmakers will do the responsible thing remains to be seen, but at least today, we’ve gotten the chance to categorically debunk another liberal myth.
(Source: Washington Free Beacon)