Sen. Rand Paul is intent on blocking President Trump’s next move.
He’s going to do whatever he can to prevent Trump’s picks for the CIA and the State Department from being confirmed by the Senate. The combative senator hopes to throw a wrench in the president’s plans.
President Trump wants CIA Director Mike Pompeo to become his new secretary of state. Deputy Director Gina Haspel would take his place,
Unless Paul gets his way.
“I will do whatever it takes, and that includes filibuster,” Paul said Sunday. “I will try to make a point to the American people.”
Paul disagrees with both Pompeo’s and Haspel’s nominations.
“I don’t think you really want people who are eager for war to be running the State Department. You want a diplomat. I, frankly, think that Pompeo’s positions are too much of an advocate for regime change, really everywhere, North Korea, Iran, Russia, you name it.”
According to the Kentucky Senator, Pompeo is an unrepentant warmonger. Haspel is even worse in his view. He accused her of supporting torture.
“It’s just inconsistent with who we are as a people to have someone run our spy agency that has all this enormous power who was intimately involved with torture and, from everything we’re reading, was supportive of the policy,” Paul said.
Sen. John McCain, a “Republican” who loves fighting with Trump even more than Rand does, agrees with Paul about Haspel.
“Ms. Haspel needs to explain the nature and extent of her involvement in the CIA’s interrogation program during the confirmation process.”
The White House is experiencing a lot of staff turmoil. Pompeo and Haspel are being promoted because Trump fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. Trump admitted that he and Tillerson didn’t see eye to eye on crucial issues.
He and Pompeo do.
Unlike Paul, most Republicans endorse Pompeo’s nomination.
(Source: New York Post)