We all know that there is an impending threat known as radical Islam, but what you might not know is how brazen and forward the people representing this threat have become. They no longer hide in the shadows – they are out and proud of being terrorists for a death cult.
In a video posted by Tony Vera, he finds a radical Islamist woman in LAX (Los Angeles’ main international airport) and asks her about the Orlando shooting, to which she replies that he was not a terrorist, but a good person doing what he needed to do to the gays and lesbians in this country.
She was later arrested by police, but not before she sounded off about what “real” Muslims do, also known as bombing innocent people. This is going on in the most liberal of areas, and no one bats an eye, but the public is waking up and speaking out. We can have this go on NO MORE!
Here’s the video:
Last week at LAX, a Muslim justified the Orlando terrorist b/c "gays are not allowed." SICKENING.
Video by @TonyVerahttps://t.co/P0qCxGPTBu— Trevor (@GodBlesssTexas) June 26, 2016
The woman was later arrested and questioned by the FBI for making terrorist threats:
Share if you’re not afraid to say ISLAMIC TERRORISM!
[…] According to yes I’m right: […]