Let’s go over a few basic liberties we have here in the United States. We are given the freedom to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, making money however we wish, speaking out against the corrupt liberal government we currently have, and electing a president every 4 years. These are more freedoms than many in the world and we are thankful for it every day.
However, some things are just against the law. For example, deleting 30,000+ emails from a private server that threatened national security. Voter fraud and election rigging is perhaps the worst in this presidential election that any in history. This, if you’re listening liberals, is also SUPREMELY against the law. At least that’s the way it looks given all of the shady things that are happening against Trump.
This time around, a postal worker in Ohio took to Twitter to brag about destroying absentee ballots who voted for Trump saying, “I love working at the post office in Columbus, Ohio and ripping up absentee ballots that vote for Trump.”
Here’s the proof.
“raandy” is surely a liberal because no good conservative would do this to help Hillary win. But raandy took it a step further and thought this was a legal action!
no, it's legal
— raandy (@randygdub) October 16, 2016
What raandy is missing here is that it’s a federal crime to tamper with, destroy, or delay the mail. And he just got the worst news of his life because of it.
That’s anther user submitting raandy’s tweets to the FBI! Looks like liberal raandy might be getting a call from the feds sometime soon. You can read the rest of the thread right here.
This underscores a huge point in this election. The liberals and Hillary supporters are willing to do ANYTHING to get her in office. Let’s make sure that doesn’t happen. Vote Trump and help put Hillary and her supporters in their place!