Catholics are troubled. Pope Francis wants to alter the Lord’s Prayer, believing that modern interpretations don’t do justice to God’s will. The religious world hasn’t yet decided if it supports Francis’ plan.
Lead us not into temptation. Those are the words that irritate the Pope. God, he believes, doesn’t “lead” us into evil.
“It is not a good translation because it speaks of a God who induces temptation,” Francis said during an interview this week.
“I am the one who falls. It’s not him pushing me into temptation to then see how I have fallen… A father doesn’t do that, a father helps you to get up immediately. It’s Satan who leads us into temptation, that’s his department.”
The French translation of the Lord’s Prayer satisfies the Pope’s concerns. They pray that they will not succumb to temptation, using the phrase “do not let us fall…”
Conservative Catholics are irked because they find the idea of changing the prayer that they’ve said for years to be ludicrous and insulting. Francis’ career at the Vatican has been spotted with controversy, further increasing the distrust that some believers eye him with.
Not all Catholics hate Francis’ proposal, however. His reasoning, that evil is committed by human beings rather God, has an appeal.
“The prayer is part of Christian liturgical culture and memorized from childhood by hundreds of millions of people within all branches of the religion – both Catholic and Protestant,” the Daily Mail notes.
“It is a translation from the Latin vulgate, which was translated from ancient Greek, which was in turn translated from Aramaic, the language spoken by Jesus.”
Just saw @fatherjonathan on Fox discussing change the Pope wants in Lord’s Prayer. Yes, I like it!! God does not lead us into temptation but allows us to be tempted. We agree on something!! Yay! ✝️
— God’s Grace (@campbosco) December 8, 2017
(Source: Daily Mail)