The transgender lunacy infecting the nation’s left continues to lead to startling consequences. In a few days, the military will have no choice but to start pretending to embrace transgender recruits.
President Trump attempted to reverse the irresponsible, Obama-era policies regarding openly trans soldiers, but his efforts were stymied by liberal judges. Doctors admit that someone who’s uncertain about their gender is suffering from a severe mental disease.
The world is trembling on the brink of nuclear war. Our soldiers need to be elite or a rogue country like North Korea might cause serious damage. Is someone who admits that they have a mental health disorder the best candidate for the job?
“We disagree with the court’s ruling and are currently evaluating our next steps,” Justice Department spokeswoman, Lauren Ersham, said in a brief statement.
In addition to mental health concerns, opponents of transgender enlistment worry about the potential costs. Transition surgeries aren’t cheap
“Barring an order from the high court, U.S. service branches will be required to ignore the president’s tweets and process transgender enlistments beginning January 1. At least four federal judges have refused to allow Trump’s ban to take effect, including U.S. District Judge Jesus G. Bernal in California,” notes the Daily Mail.
Obama was a crafty man. His agenda is proving to be harder to purge than I had anticipated. He prides himself on the pro-LGBT policies he enacted while he was in office. The Trump administration is working to dismantle the most heinous Obama leftovers, but it’s a long, complicated process.
(Source: Daily Mail)