Robbie Madison is a daredevil – that’s readily apparent. What’s not apparent is how he got his already customized dirt bike across the bay in Tahiti, with some of the largest waves in the world. However he did it, it took approximately two years for him to pull it off. What a talent. I don’t […]
This Guy Started Singing, A Minute Later It Went Hilariously Wrong
New Zealand comedian Matt Mulholland is a pretty funny guy. But he’s also an accomplished musician. Below he combines his two crafts into one hilarious new video! Check it out as he teaches us how to sing regularly and then sing in a voice that only a mother could love. I can’t stop laughing! (Source: […]
The 10 Biggest Movie Stars You Didn’t Know Voted Republican
Here in America, Hollywood is largely liberal. It’s a known fact. However there are many celebrities that aren’t just conservatives, they vote Republican when it counts! To name a few, you have Don King, Ben Stein, Gloria Estefan, and Pat Sajak all leaning to the right. But there are some MEGA stars that vote for […]
This Plane Was Caught In A Storm. What The Pilot Did Next Left Me SPEECHLESS
A few days ago in Amsterdam, there was an crazy close call for a commercial airliner as the KLM Asia flight was stuck in between the ground and a 75 mph crosswind from an oncoming storm. This is what people in the airplane industry call “the pucker factor”. Watch as the enormous jet is tossed around […]
When Thugs Broke Down His Door, He Taught Them A Lesson They’ll Never Forget
So you’re standing at your counter at your own store. When suddenly, a van tries to crash through the front door after the store’s closed! Well that’s exactly what happened to this Wisconsin business owner who then grabbed his semi-automatic rifle and fought back! According to him, “It was them, or me.” Good for him […]
Why Did Obama Just Leak Military Plans To ISIS?
In truly horrifying news, the Obama administration and the Pentagon have leaked vital battle plans and time frames to the liberal media because apparently Obama doesn’t understand that the internet is also accessible to our enemies. Some government officials are outraged at this news, with good reason. As always, Fox News – joined by Arkansas […]
This Florida Man Declared His Gun Range A “Muslim-Free Zone” And Liberals Are FUMING!
Andy Hallinan is a gun range owner in Florida and has a message for those radicals who harm Americans and destroy all that we love about America. His new policy on his gun range? No Muslims allowed! In the wake of the terror inspired Chattanooga shootings last week, Hallinan said that he, “will not arm […]
When This Pastor Is Asked About Liberal Churches, He Lays Down The LAW.
Pastor Robert Jeffress had some harsh words for so called liberal churches he’s accusing of harboring illegal immigrants on a recent Fox & Friend segment. He went on to debate the status of illegal immigrants and their place within the church. He said that these churches are providing sanctuary to illegals who are criminals! These […]
Before Retiring, This Brave Army General Had Some TOUGH Words For The Obama Administration
Army Chief of Staff General Ray Odierno has served 39 years for our country. God bless him! He is set to retire soon and gave Fox News an exclusive interview. Check out the video below as he paints a picture of President Obama that will make you want him out of office even sooner. Odierno consulted […]
This Gun On A Drone Is The Scariest Thing Ever And I Want One Really Badly
An 18 year old man in Connecticut has created quite a stir this week with his, um, creation. It’s a drone that can fire a handgun! The video shows a 4 propeller drone, also called a quadcopter, hovering and firing a handgun. The man might be in trouble with FAA regulations simply by uploading the […]