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What This Russian Weather Girl Just Said Has ISIS Shaking In Their Boots! WHOA!
Here’s the difference between Obama and his weak administration, and Vladimir Putin and his iron fisted, bombing of ISIS administration. Obama had to go through mountains of liberal BS to even get approval for air strikes in Syria. Putin said, “We’re doing it,” the government agreed, and in 2 days they were bombing the crap […]
When They Said “There’s No Way He Will Win”, Trump Left Them SPEECHLESS!
As the saying goes – you just can’t keep a good man down, and Donald Trump is perhaps the best one that we have (running for President, that is.) In a video interview with CNN, Trump lays out in great detail his views on gun control, details on his immigration policies, and how he would […]
Will You Be Proud To Call Donald Trump Your President? [Vote]
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/will-you-be-proud-to-call-donald-trump-your-president”]
Do The Republicans Need Donald Trump To Win The Election? [Vote]
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/do-the-republicans-need-donald-trump-to-win-the-election”]
They Told Ben Carson To “Forget God” He Shut ‘Em Up With One EPIC Photo!
Ben Carson is making waves in the Republican race for the presidency as well. We love Trump, but Carson is a likeable, non-politician as well that has some great policies and some amazing personal values. Here’s a great example. Carson heard about the Oregon school shooting this past week. He also heard that the shooter […]
When A High School Banned “America Day”, The Students Said “Not In My Country!”
Why on earth would you ever do this, in the country you live in? In Wyoming, a principal of a high school, in his infinite wisdom decided to cancel the school’s “America Day.” It was a day where students would wear patriotic things to school including head bands, shirts, even pants, and some took it […]
Are Politically Correct Liberals Turning Our Kids Into Wimps? [Vote]
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/are-politically-correct-liberals-turning-our-kids-into-wimps”]
When Obama Sends American Jobs Overseas, Trump Fires Back HARD! WHOA!
Obama, your days are numbered. Trump, so are yours, but on the way to the White House! The Donald has gone on record churning out another news worthy quote, but this time it’s not just a snippet that the liberal media will twist into something that makes him look weaker or bombastic in any way. […]
Would Democrats Destroy America If Elected In 2016? [Vote]
[playbuzz-item url=”//www.playbuzz.com/elvinb10/would-democrats-destroy-america-if-elected-in-2016″]