Another terrorist attack under Obama’s watch, anther Republican speaking the truth about his weak responses.
New Gingrich gets it. He truly does. I hope that Trump has him in his cabinet as well as he is a mind we need back at the top levels of government. What is he talking about this time? Only that Obama’s response to the Nice, France terror attacks was unacceptable. Trump’s response was “we need to get smarter and be more vigilant against these people.” Gingrich thinks that Obama’s long term solution will be to “Ban trucks because trucks hurt people.”
He couldn’t have hit the nail on the head more precisely. This is exactly how Obama and the radical left thinks!
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich wondered what President Obama’s response to the Nice, France, terror attack will be.
He mentioned that usually the president brings up the need for gun control, like after the Pulse nightclub massacre in Orlando and after last year’s San Bernardino attack.
“I fully expect by tomorrow morning that President Obama will … give a press conference in which he’ll explain that the problem is too many trucks. If only we had truck regulation then we wouldn’t have problems like Nice, because it is trucks that are dangerous,” said Gingrich, calling it “the exact analog” to how the left-wing reacted to Orlando.
This is why Newt needs to be in Trump’s government. He knows what’s wrong with the left’s mentality of do nothing, but tell everyone that more “control” is the only solution. That leads to more terror and bloodshed. Do you agree with Newt? We sure do!
(Source: Fox News)