The amount of crap being slung at Trump and his administration currently is nearing critical mass. Every single little movement or thing Trump does is then lambasted in the mainstream media as being evil, backward, anti-American, or just flat our wrong. It seems he can’t even get up to pee without the insane criticism. But the hypocrisy runs deep.
Over the weekend there was a major uproar about Trump asking 46 US attorneys to step down from their positions. One attorney, Preet Bharara, refused to step down. He was then fired and all hell broke loose on the liberal TV networks. But here’s the kicker, this is nothing new! In fact, Bill Clinton fired 93 George W. Bush holdover attorneys in March of 1993, yet the left was silent when that happened.
To put this whole thing in perspective and to call the left out on their hypocritical bullshit, Newt Gingrich went on Fox & Friends yesterday. What he said is not only true, but totally brutal. This needed to be heard.
“President Trump is doing what President Trumps do,” Gingrich said. “He is replacing the other team who opposed him with people who are on his side.
“This goes all the way back to Lincoln, to Andrew Jackson, Thomas Jefferson. The American people elect the president; they get to have the people they want in politically appointed offices.”
“I would go through the entire government,” Gingrich said. “Abraham Lincoln fired 70 percent of the senior bureaucrats in the federal government. He had to get rid of Southern sympathizers and people in place willing to fight a civil war.”
So liberals, I leave you with one question on this topic, then I expect you to shut up for good: are you seriously going to argue with Abraham Lincoln, the same man that freed the slaves, on Presidential practices?
I didn’t think so. STFU and go away. For good. You lost.
(Source: Fox News)