Of all the Ads Trump has put out, this might be his best.
As Hillary Clinton continues to talk down to Trump voters and tout her “accomplishments,” she’s also saying that Trump isn’t right for the office. She continues to say he’s a “bully” and that he disrespects women. Here’s Hillary saying exactly these things.
Well Trump loves a good “told ya so” ad and his new one is pretty much exactly that. Here it is in full from his own Facebook page.
If that isn’t eye opening, I’m not exactly sure what is. Hillary is the victim of sexual abuse and the wife of a serial sexual fiend, predator, and abuser and yet women flock to her as if she’s Jesus reincarnated. Take a note women of America that lean left, you’re following someone who is so up her own a _ _ she cannot see the truth. Is that who you want leading this country?