Bad news, Democrats. Your ploy to get rid of Nancy Pelosi failed. She announced Tuesday that she has no intention of relinquishing her power.
“We will win. I will run for speaker. I feel confident about it. And my members do, too,” Pelosi said.
“It’s important that it not be five white guys at the table, no offense… I have no intention of walking away from that table.”
Republicans will be gleeful. Pelosi’s poison is tainting the entire Democratic party. Her refusal to step aside will translate into wins for the GOP. Voters are sick of Pelosi and everyone associated with her.
The midterm elections should be interesting. Democrats are counting on a wave of anti-Trump sentiments to win seats. Republicans, meanwhile, plan to focus on Trump’s triumphs. Pelosi thrusting herself into the election can only help conservatives.
“She is the most unpopular politician in every single competitive district in the country,” said Matt Gorman, a spokesman for the National Republican Congressional Committee.
About ⅓ of Republican smear campaigns feature Pelosi. She’s an easy target because she’s almost universally hated.
Democrats only think about themselves. If Pelosi cared about the party, she would retire quietly. Just a few months ago, a reliable poll found that her approval rating was abysmally low.
“I think there’s a strong desire out there in America for new leadership in Washington, not just getting rid of Republicans but getting new leadership in the Democratic Party,” said Massachusetts Representative Seth Moulton.
Pelosi is a political master. She knows how to play Washington. She may not be popular with voters, but she’s extremely well-liked among influential donors. She’s a money-raising machine. She raised a whopping $16 million for the party recently.
“This is not 2006,” Moulton said. “I fear that a problem we have in our party is we keep looking backwards when we need to look forwards.”
Pelosi insists that she “know how to win.”
(Source: Boston Globe)