House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is rapidly losing support among the Democrats. Her subpar leadership has led the party down a losing path. Led by President Trump, Republicans wrested control of Congress away from liberals in 2016. Voters rejected their agenda.
Democrats are so tired of Pelosi’s shoddy management that they’re now openly defying her. For months she’s been trying to avoid an impeachment attempt. Last night, House Democrats defied her orders and introduced a motion to impeach.
Pelosi no longer has any other authority among prominent Democrats. Her advice is disregarded; her support is no longer sought. Washington is experiencing a massive shakeup. Many Congressmen are leaving their posts with their tail between their legs, accused of horrendous sexual crimes. Pelosi needs to resign as well, although incompetence rather bad behavior is the cause of her ruin.
She mishandled Rep. John Conyers’ sexual abuse scandal. When the allegations against Conyers first began pouring in, she defended him. She only started calling for his resignation after the rest of her party began recoiling from Conyers.
“The first two Democrats to demand Conyers’ resignation were New York Rep. Kathleen Rice — who has said for months that she thinks Pelosi should step down from her leadership position — and Washington Rep. Pramila Jayapal, a first-term congresswoman,” the Daily Caller notes.
Democrats are struggling to remain relevant in the time of Trump.They would do better under different, more capable leadership. Pelosi is out of her depth. If she cared about her party, she would step aside.
(Source: Daily Caller)