Wow. This is an EPIC smack down.
As Hollywood farted and told us to our face that it smelled like roses, Tomi Lahren saw through the BS. In her most recent Final Thoughts segment, we’re treated to Tomi calling out liberal Hollywood, specifically the Oscars elite coordinators and chair people for saying there will be “big change”s to the Oscars from here on out.
Tomi didn’t know what that meant, and neither do we.
Here’s her take and boy is it a doozy.
Chris Rocked the OscarsChris Rock, the Oscars and the untouchable Black Lives Matter movement.
Posted by Tomi Lahren on Tuesday, March 1, 2016
God, we love this girl because of this right here. Maybe SHE should run as Trump’s VP. We’d sure vote for her.
(Source: Facebook)