Donald Trump’s big win in the Republican Nevada Caucus came as a surprise to no one paying attention, but with Trump being such a magnet for negative attention from the press, it certainly looks like a few news anchors were less than enthusiastic about the win.
After a long night of reporting, these five reporters and political personalities looked completely gutted that Trump had his third win in a row, nearly locking in the nomination.
Thank God for the ability to screen capture, because these are too good to miss:
From RedStateWatcher,
Chris Matthews’ face when MSNBC announces Trump the winner in NV!
Disgraced Establishment GOP Hack Karl Rove has his SAD FACE on!
Megyn Kelly has her “Funeral Face” on!
Bret Bair looks like a 6 year old who was just told Santa is not real!
Three Trump victories has made her COMPLETELY LOSE IT!
Stephen Hayes is… well just his same angry / sour / bitter self. No change.
Not only did Fox News not congratulate Trump on his victory, but you can see the palpable disdain in the faces of the pundits. The camera doesn’t lie:
I can only imagine how many haters come out of the woodwork when Trump is in the general election. BRING IT ON!
(Source: RedStateWatcher, YouTube)