Another day, another fact to prove the Liberals wrong about the Muslim mindset.
“Not all Muslims are bad! Not all Muslims hate the world! If you think Muslims are evil, you’re a racist!” These are common phrases heard coming out of the left. While they might be true to a certain extent, it’s getting harder and hard to believe their rhetoric when stories like this arise.
According to reports, a Muslim “hero” named Zakia Belkhiri was a social media firestorm when she took a selfie in Antwerp, Belgium in front of protest against Muslims and Islam. The photo went viral and was shared universally by leftists showing that “Muslims stand in the face of discrimination.” Well, maybe the left should do some research before they blindly share things.
Here’s the picture she became famous for.
Clearly a big “F you!” to the protesters. But wait! This media love fest ended abruptly when it became clear that this woman also posted on social media about killing Jews. Not so peaceful now, eh liberals?
A Muslim woman who was photographed taking selfies in front of a Belgian protest last week, earning her widespread praise for her cheerful stance against bigotry, reportedly praised Hitler and called for the killing of Jews in past Facebook posts.
Zakia Belkhiri was photographed taking the selfies as she flashed a peace sign in front of Vlaams Belang protesters at the third annual Muslim Expo in Antwerp.The protests were part of the increasing resistance in Belgium and elsewhere in Europe to the flood of Muslim refugees pouring in from war-torn and poverty stricken countries in the Middle East and Africa.
“How To Neutralize Anti-Islam Protesters with a Selfie,” was the headline of a article where the photos by Jurgen Augusteyns initially appeared.
Belkhiri told the BBC she took the photos “to show that things can be different. And that we can live together, not next to each other but with each other.”
But the newfound notoriety brought scrutiny of Belkhiri’s alleged Facebook and Twitter posts by and other sites. Many were far more disturbing than anything Belkhiri was protesting.
“Hitler didn’t kill all the Jews, he left some,” read one. “So we [would] know why he was killing them.”
A Facebook post attributed to Belkhiri said, “F—ing Jews, I hate them so much.”
Belkhiri briefly deactivated her Twitter account, then reactivated it to first deny the posts were hers and then to apologize and explain that she had meant “Zionists.”
Doesn’t matter how you defend yourself on this one Zakia. Even though you said you meant “Zionists,” that doens’t take away from the fact that you explicitly said that you “hate them” and that we could understand genocide. How horrible of a person do you have to be to say something like this?
A follower of Islam is the answer to that. Share this if you think Liberals will say anything to make tolerance and integration the norm, and to prove them WRONG!
(Source: Fox News)