The Clintons free pass is over. Liberals are finally holding them accountable for their crimes. Multiple women have accused Bill of sexual assault, and for years their claims were derided. People are listening now.
MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski told viewers Monday Hillary needs to stop blathering about sexual assault until she’s ready to talk about the accusations lodged against her husband. Hypocrite Hillary went of her way to shame Bill’s victims into keeping their mouths closed.
“Hillary Clinton needs to stop,” Brzezinski said.
“’She needs to stop talking about this topic unless Bill Clinton wants to come forward and apologize for being a sexual harasser, for settling [lawsuits] with women, for what happened with Monica.”
It’s about time liberals stop defending Bill. You can’t support women and also refuse to believe Bill’s accusers. His actions with Monica Lewinsky alone are enough to mark him as a predator.
“’Whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, sexually harassing someone who is 22 years old when you’re in power is just wrong, and you should go – in real time,” Brzezinski said.
“He needs to apologize as quickly as Al Franken did, as much as Mark Halperin did. And as much as he wants to… If you’re not going to apologize and it’s clear you’ve done something wrong, please, please, you the politician and your wife the politician need to not talk about these issues.”
Hillary can’t seem to shut up about anything, and Bill lives in the limelight, so they’re probably not going to take Brzezinski’s advice.
“Bill Clinton’s behavior was accepted. It was pushed under the rug, and even women defended him. … And his wife ran for president even though these women who accused him were attacked in the media, were maligned, or settled [in court],” she said.
(Source: Daily Mail)