Keep your dog on a leash. If your dog becomes injured while playing on someone else’s property, it’s YOUR fault.
A heartbreaking video is currently trending on YouTube. The footage shows a clearly distraught woman as she screams in anguish, her pit bull lying dead at her feet. The poor creature wandered onto the neighbor’s yard and was shot.
Fido isn’t as cute to everyone else as he is to you. The woman claims in the video that her dog would never have hurt anyone, but how could the people he charged at know that? A lot of people would be terrified if an unleashed pit bull suddenly ran into their home.
“In 2014 American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) noted that controlled tests do not show pit bulls to be any more aggressive than other breeds,” the Daily Mail notes.
“The dogs are linked to more severe injuries or fatalities than other breeds, but the AVMA said that could be attributed to them being a popular breed of dog – more pit bulls than other breeds means more attacks registered to that type of dog. It also noted that the breed of any given dog is difficult to ascertain.”
Most of the commenters believe that the dog’s owner, despite her distress, is responsible for what happened.
“If you don’t want your dog shot the answer is real simple – control and contain your damn dog on YOUR property. That is the JOB you signed up for when you got one. Sorry you failed your dog,” wrote one person.
(Source: Daily Mail)