A few months ago, Mitt Romney made a desperate and quite frankly pathetic attempt at turning the GOP away from Donald Trump. He Failed. Miserably. Mitt tried to get back into a game where he hasn’t been seen or relevant for nearly 4 years. Then, what seems like out of the blue, had a “State of the GOP” rally. I mean where does he get off even attempting something like that?
Good news for the Trump faithful, everyone saw directly through his line of BS and it was regarded as a colossal failure and largely helped Trump in the long run. Thanks, Mitt! Another fun fact about Romney was his historically low numbers from the Latino population of the U.S. Romney gathered 27% of Latino voters while the other 73% voted for Obama and his second term. Way to go Mitt! Thanks again for all that help!
Well here’s another fun fact, Donald Trump has actually GAINED Latino support recently to the tune of 10 percentage points above Romney’s total 4 years ago. And all this amidst Trump calling for a border wall and deportation of illegal immigrants. Yup, he’s just got that much momentum.
Big Data Reports Latino Support for Trump on The Rise at 37%Based on big data analysis over the last 30 days as of June 1st, Trump reports 37 percent of Hispanic positive sentiment versus 41 percent for Clinton. Surprisingly, the candidates tie in negative sentiment across Hispanics at 38 percent; discounting the fact that Latinos default as Democrats or are completely turned off by Trump’s off-color comments. After all, over 50 percent of Latinos identify as political independents.
Similar analysis has been done leading up to the primaries, which have demonstrated a direct correlation between positive sentiment and actual voting results.
Everyone may have an opinion but real strategic power comes from data. Clearly, while many may criticize Trump’s methodology, many are agreeing with his ideology; and, this time, it’s the data speaking.
So what can we glean from all of this? Well, we can say with certainty that Trump is a better candidate than anything the GOP has had in the last 8-12 years as even John McCain was questionable with Latino voters.
Seems to me that the Trump Train also has a stop in Latin America.
(Source: Fox News)