Roy Moore is losing support fast. Claims that the Senate hopeful fondled a 14-year-old girl when he was in his 30’s have completely derailed his campaign. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell threw his support behind Moore’s accusers yesterday and said that the former judge should quit the race.
“I believe the women, yes,” McConnell said.
If Moore is elected, it could be disastrous for the Republican party. Quite a few conservatives believe the allegations. They won’t want to associate with a party that elects pedophiles.
Moore doesn’t care. He’s refusing to step down from the race and completely denying the allegations. The 14-year-old girl isn’t his sole accuser, however. Three other women say that Moore pursued them when they were teenagers.
Republicans are abandoning him as quick as they can, but Moore doesn’t seem to care. His campaign insists that he will run no matter what.
“No. Nothing is getting him out. He’s not going anywhere,” a campaign spokesman said.
Democrats are overjoyed with Moore’s stubbornness. If he loses it would be a great boost to their party. Alabama hasn’t sent a Democrat to represent it on the national stage for a long time.
Even if he manages to scrape out a win for himself, Democrats will be able to use the result to their advantage. People who believe the accusations against Moore will be disgusted to see him voted into a position of power. If being a Republican becomes associated with countenancing a pedophile, Democratic candidates will have an easier time at the voter booth.
(Source: New York Post)