Tax Reform looks like it’s going to pass. In the midst of a volatile political climate, Republicans have been able to scrape together enough support to get the legislation through the Senate.
President Trump’s agenda is finally coming to fruition. His administration has been hampered by party in-fighting.
“I’m pleased with the progress that’s being made but I’ll announce my position in a couple of hours,” former tax legislation holdout Sen. Susan Collins said Friday.
Collins’ announcement came after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell joyfully told reporters that the requisite 50 votes had been gained. “We finally have enough!” he crowed.
“We’re confident in the 50 [votes] and we’d like to build on that,” Sen. John Cornyn added.
Tax reform will be the Trump administration’s first legislative victory. Democrats are incensed. They hate the plan, and now there’s nothing they can do to stop it.
“Amid a whirl of meetings and dramatic votes Thursday evening, the Senate GOP leaders were rewriting the bill behind closed doors,” writes the New York Post.
“Changes being discussed included rolling back some of the tax cuts after six years to appease deficit hawks… Democrats, meanwhile, railed against the law, calling it a giveaway to corporations and the rich at the expense of the middle class and low wage earners.”
Trump’s goal is to reinvigorate the economy. Obama’s regulation-happy administration convinced business owners to go abroad. Trump has more wisdom. His tax plan isn’t a free-for-all for the wealthy like his liberal opponents claim, but a way to stimulate the economy.
(Source: New York Post)