For all the flak Mike Huckabee gets, he’s really a pretty smart guy. He knows his stuff and is on the Republican’s side more than not. Some of his ideas have been off, but sometimes he hits the nail on the head.
With the news yesterday that Donald Trump fired his campaign manager Corey Lewandowski, many people questioned the decision including many of the Trump faithful. However, we shouldn’t panic. Trump will succeed not because of someone running his campaign, but because he’s Trump and no one can change him.
Mike Huckabee echoed those exact words.
In the video he also talks about polling numbers and how they aren’t relevant at this point. He’s 100% correct there as well. Remember when Trump was behind in several key states during the Republican primaries? Remember when Ted Cruz was going to win? Us neither. But the point is, Trump was behind in several national polls to Ted Cruz and he ended up winning anyway.
Trump’s silent majority is a massive boost and is a demographic that doesn’t vote in the polls. Personally, I’d add 10 points to Trump on this one.
Are are you voting for Trump and haven’t had your voice heard in a national poll? Well then SHARE this post and show your support for him! Be heard and be a part of history.
(Source: Fox News)