President Trump is devoted to the troops. Men and women who risk their lives to serve others deserve to be treated with the utmost respect, a simple rule that Barack Obama refused to comply with.
Liberals want to shrink the military. Conservatives want to make it stronger. Luckily for our safety, the left’s bad ideas were defeated by voters. Trump is in office, and there’s never been a question about his commitment to honoring the troops.
The White House was decorated with the troops in mind this year. The first sight that greets visitors when they begin a tour of the property is a huge, impressive Christmas tree decorated with gleaming stars and surrounded by Ipad’s on posts.
“The Gold Star tree honors the families of fallen American service members. It is covered in patriotic ribbon and golden stars with a large gold star on top. The tree also honors active duty service members in a very special way,” notes the Daily Caller.
“The tree includes four iPad stations, where visitors may write messages to active duty service members for the holidays. These messages will then be sent to troops serving abroad who will not be able to be home for Christmas.”
The climate in Washington has been tense. Multiple important investigations are underway; new allegations are being made almost every day. Trump must be dealing with a massive amount of stress.
His own problems, however, didn’t stop him from thinking up a way to say thank you to the troops.
(Source: Daily Caller)