Degenerate scumbag Harvey Weinstein continues to see his list of accusers grow each passing week, with the grand total as of Tuesday being well over 50 women. But it’s not just Weinstein that’s been affected by this wave of sexual harassment allegations, as numerous other big-time Hollywood folks and politicians have been falling like dominoes as well.
In light of the apparent epidemic of female abuse, a legendary actor/director, who himself has been blacklisted by Hollywood, although for entirely different reasons, has spoken out on the issue.
As reported at the Guardian, Mel Gibson has given his two cents about the sexual harassment scandals plaguing Hollywood, saying the wave of accusations against Harvey Weinstein have been “painful” but will help lead the industry towards positive change moving forward.
The Oscar winner who’s no stranger to controversy himself said: “Things got shaken up a little bit and there is a lot of light being thrown into places where there were shadows and that is kind of healthy. It’s painful, but I think pain is a precursor to change.”
Gibson made the remarks while promoting his latest film, Daddy’s Home 2, his first family comedy in more than a decade and one of only a handful of films he’s been a part of over that time.
Gibson was infamously blacklisted after he went on a drunken, anti-Semitic rant after being pulled over in 2006. Since that time, he’s barely worked in film, as there’s been little forgiveness offered by his industry comrades.
However, he’s slowly been making his way back in the last few years, and his newest movie is a testament to that.
Last year, Gibson opened up about his notorious 2006 comments about Jews, claiming he has “never discriminated against anyone.”
He said: “It was an unfortunate incident. I was loaded and angry and arrested. I was recorded illegally by an unscrupulous police officer who was never prosecuted for that crime. And then it was made public by him for profit, and by members of – we’ll call it the press. So, not fair. I guess as who I am, I’m not allowed to have a nervous breakdown, ever.”
While folks can be disgusted with Gibson’s comments, the reality is that those who’ve opposed his reentry into the industry are the worst hypocrites imaginable. Because they’ve knowingly allowed for women and children to be preyed upon by their comrades, and even proactively tried to cover it up. While at the same time preaching at the top of their lungs that they’re all about protecting women and children from abuse.
People like Woody Allen and Roman Polanski have continued to be celebrated, despite their rampant degeneracy and allegations against them, yet Gibson has found no forgiveness for drunken comments that, no matter how vociferous, don’t reflect the way he treated folks throughout his career.
Regardless, Gibson is right in thinking that this evolving scandal will be good for Hollywood in the end. It’s about time all their deep, dark secrets are exposed, and they’re forced to suffer the consequences of their actions and for turning a blind eye to abuse all these years.
Source: Guardian