Mainstream media outlets have spent the last few years bashing Donald Trump every chance they got. Their constant abuse degraded the public’s trust in American journalists. Networks practically worshipped Obama while he was in office.
Trump, however, is treated like dirt. His every move in manipulated until it can be shown in the most unflattering light.
Research by the Pew Research Center reveals that: “About six-in-ten stories on Trump’s early days in office had a negative assessment, about three times more than in early coverage for Obama and roughly twice that of Bush… Coverage of Trump’s early time in office moved further away from a focus on the policy agenda and more toward character and leadership.”
Media pundits fawned over Obama as though he were infallible. Liberals often brag about Obama’s popularity abroad, but they rarely mention the falsely-positive press that he was usually showered with. Of course, foreigners love Obama, they’re almost never told about his failures.
“The media story reviewed the tone of coverage of Trump’s first 60 days in office and found that just 5 percent was ‘positive’… By comparison, Obama’s coverage was 42 percent positive,” notes the Washington Post.
Negative stories about Obama existed because of networks like Fox News. If CNN and MSNBC had had their way, Obama would have been reported on as though his every move were a success.
Trump has dealt with bad press for decades. He’s not fazed in the slightest. He’s going forth with his agenda, whether the left likes it or not.
(Source: Washington Examiner)