This is an actual stunning turn of events. Yesterday, Donald Trump said he was flabbergasted by the knowledge that Loretta Lynch, Obama’s Attorney General, met secretly with Bill Clinton on Hillary’s email scandal.
Trump went on Hannity and spoke his mind, here’s what he had to say.
Trump also said previously that she should not be attached to the case at all. We completely agree. Turns out, she was listening and took his advice to heart! Or she’s so scared now that this leaked that she is backpedaling faster than a freight train to try to cover her own ass. Either way, this is a huge win in the fight against Hillary for putting the nation at risk!
Here is Lynch herself talking about accepting whatever punishment the FBI will give her in regards to this scandal.
This could spell the end for Hillary Clinton. Lynch was the one who wanted to delay the hearings, let Hillary walk, and pretty much just sweep this under the rug. Not anymore. HilLIARy might be going to prison!
(Source: Facebook)