To all the left-wing nut jobs that are falling head over heals into a rage over Trump’s travel ban, you may want to read this.
President Trump’s (still not getting tired of saying that) travel ban targets 7 countries that, as we now know, actually came from the Obama administration. What many don’t know is that those same 7 countries have been on the “countries of interest” list all the way back to the Clinton administration in the 90s. But of course, because it’s Trump, it’s racist and terrible. Sheesh.
So Trump bans travel from those countries and it’s horrible. He’s the devil right? Well, turns out that last year alone, under the Obama administration, a whopping 22,000 people were detained at foreign airports under Obama’s rules as “high risk” travelers. That sure sounds like he was banning travelers to me.
According to a recently released Government Accounting Office study, the number of U.S.-bound travelers pulled aside at foreign airports and banned from boarding their flights is quite eye-opening. In fiscal 2015 alone, more than 22,000 “high risk” travelers were interdicted by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents before boarding planes bound for the U.S. Among that group, 10,648 were declared inadmissible while the balance, 11, 589, were told they could not board with the paperwork presented.
And it could have been more if we had a proper system in place.
“The GAO basically came out and said, ‘these are nice numbers but, you don’t really know how many of the bad guys you’re catching before they board the planes,’” said Phillip Haney, a former immigration officer who screened migrants from high-risk countries. “You don’t really have a way of evaluating how effective you are, you may be getting 10 percent, you may be getting 50 percent, we don’t know. They say they have no baseline to assess whether they’re reaching goals. No way of evaluating how really effective the program really is because they haven’t set goals and then done assessment.”
So if you’re calling Trump a racist, you can call Obama one too. Liberal hypocrites. Share this everyone and get the word out. Trump is protecting us!
(Source: WND)