If you were to show somebody one thing on the hypocrisy of the left, you should look no further than this video. This is telling on a whole new level.
The travel ban continues to have protesters up in arms saying that Trump is racist and backward and noninclusive. The left, of course, is turning a blind eye to facts and saying that letting refugees in is what this country was founded on. Here’s the massive disconnect with that logic: this country was founded on laws and those laws need to be adhered to. We’re not colonizing a new country here people and arguing that this country should have the same mentality as it did 400 years ago is both asinine and wrong. Islamic terrorists weren’t strapping bombs to themselves when we landed at Plymouth Rock.
So to get a better idea of the leftist mindset, prankster Joey Salads went to a travel ban protest posing as a left-wing Bernie supporter. He asked some people if they would donate or eve take someone into their home. Not a single one agreed.
As he asks each one, they each have an excuse as to why they can’t help.
From “I live with a Trump supporter” to “I have no space,” no one is willing to put up, to match what they say they believe.
They’re willing for you to have to pony up money or take refugees into your town, just not their own home.
he best one was “I live with a woman” and she wouldn’t feel comfortable.
Ahhhhh the hypocrisy of the left. “Let’s let all the refugees in! Except for, you know, into my home. But let’s let them in to have no home!” That’s essentially the message here. The left doesn’t think through anything. They just blindly plow ahead with their moronic agenda and let everyone else figure it out along the way.
Idiots. If you’re thankful these dummies aren’t in power anymore, go ahead and share this post to have your voice heard!
(Source: Young Cons)