While the United States is reeling from the ongoing revelations about sexual harassment, other nations across the globe are dealing with similar issues. Recently, a discussion panel on Egyptian television got heated while they were discussing the rise in ripped jeans being worn, especially by the young on college campuses.
Being a Muslim country, women wearing such clothing has sparked outrage, but also a counter-reaction by the less radical elements. While debating the issue, one of the panelists, a lawyer, outrageously declared that it was men’s “national duty” to rape any women caught wearing tight, ripped jeans. His comments drew the ire of many viewers and also the government, which issued a surprising response to the man.
As reported at the Daily Mail, the scumbag in question, Nabih al-Wahsh, has been handed a three-year prison sentence for the comments. During the program, Nabih went on about how women who wear such clothing deserve to be sexually assaulted and harassed.
He justified himself by saying, “Girls must respect themselves so others respect them. Protecting morals is more important than protecting borders.”
His comments were subsequently reported to the state prosecutor, who put him on trial.
The prosecution charged him with “publicly inciting to flout the law” and “spreading with malice reports and statements meant to perturb public order… and harm the public interest.”
Nabih’s sentence was handed down on Sunday despite him being absent from the courtroom, and he still has the opportunity to appeal the decision.
After he made the ridiculous comments in October, Egypt’s highest women’s rights body decided to report the lawyer for “promoting sexual harassment.”
Nada Draz of the state National Council for Women also said that the comments “explicitly promote rape.”
This was not the first time Nabih has acted like an animal on television. Last year he appeared on a talk show with an Australia-based imam who argued that wearing a hijab is a merely a choice–not a religious requirement for Muslim women.
The opinion enraged Nabih so much that he took off his shoe and began beating the imam with while the program was broadcasting live.
It’s apparent that Nabih harbors some obscene beliefs about women. Maybe a little time behind bars will cause him to reevaluate his unacceptable beliefs and behavior.
Source: Daily Mail