The NFL just can’t seem to figure out how to deal with its player protest crisis. Fans are rightfully outraged at the behavior of the players disrespecting our flag for a few minutes of so-called “awareness raising.” After weeks of waffling on the issue, it seemed like a stance was taken by NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Wednesday, when he released a memo saying players should stand for the anthem.
However, just 2 days later, the league itself has taken an official stance on the issue, one that cuts against Goodell’s memo and any hope fans had that the shenanigans would stop.
As reported at the New York Post, the NFL on Friday announced it has no plans to mandate players stand for the national anthem, but will instead present a possible solution that might bring an end to the controversial protests during an owners meeting next week.
Commissioner Roger Goodell, along with the head of the NFL Players Association, will meet with the owners from Oct. 17-18 in New York where the issue of player protests will certainly be the main focus.
“(Goodell) has a plan that he is going to present to owners about how to use our platform to both raise awareness and make progress on issues of social justice and equality in this country,” NFL spokesman Joe Lockhart said on a conference call.
“What we don’t have is a proposal that changes our policy, we don’t have something that mandates anything. That’s clear. If that was the case I doubt the head of the NFLPA would have put a joint statement out with us.”
The millionaire athletes have been kneeling down in protest during the anthem to call attention to what they believe racist treatment of blacks at the hands of police. But not only that, even more players knelt after Trump commented on the issue, so it’s now a combination of perceived racism and anti-Trump sentiment.
For NFL fans, this announcement is terrible news as spokesman Joe Lockhart said next week’s talks will focus on how to use the massive NFL platform, players, and teams to tackle issues of equality, social justice and criminal justice reform. Which sounds like something straight from the Democratic National Convention platform.
“These are issues that are important to our clubs, issues that are important to our players, issues that are important to the communities in which we play,” said Lockhart.
So now it looks like the league is doubling down on the politicalization as it fully embraces liberal insanity. There’s nothing wrong with helping communities and bringing “awareness” and whatnot. But we all know what their idea of that means. Pushing left-wing propaganda and trashing the conservatives that make it possible for grown men to make millions fighting over a pigskin.
Source: New York Post