The Democrat and liberal stranglehold on our country is about to end, but the effect of their cowardice will last for years until we undo all of their damage. Here is possibly the sickest example to date.
Hillary Clinton’s email scandal, coupled with the Clinton Foundation, have been found out to line the pockets of not only the Clintons themselves, but to all of their higher-ups in the foundation.
Now, because of their corruption and greed, Eric Trump, Son of Donald Trump and Founder of the Eric Trump Foundation, was forced to suspend its operations. This is a charity that gives nearly 100% of its earnings to places like St. Judes Hospital for Children’s Cancer. Why has this happened? Allow Judge Jeanine Pirro to educate you.
The foundation, which Eric’s wife Lara Yunaska Trump said gives nearly 100 percent of its proceeds to organizations like St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, was pressured to close because of possible “influence peddling” during a Trump administration.
“Because someone [Hillary Clinton] lined their own pockets from their so-called charity, laundering money from foreign governments and oligarchs under the guise of starting a presidential library, but actually seeking to pay lawyers and sexual harassment judgments, those children [supported by Trump’s foundation] lost,” Pirro said.
“No charity money was used to fly around in private jets,” Pirro said of the Eric Trump Foundation, adding that Trump raised millions while shouldering all the operating costs himself.
So allow me to say thank you, Hillary, and for all liberals everywhere for forcing a foundation to close that could have saved lives. You clearly didn’t care about anyone else but yourselves.
(Source: Fox News)