When FBI director James Comey held a press conference a few months ago to talk about the Hillary Clinton email scandal, and ultimately hand down zero justice whatsoever, the world took a collective gasp. Meanwhile, the Democrat breathed a sigh of relief. Since then, Comey has come under extraordinary fire from the Republican side of things. And this time, it’s coming from the most trusted legal source in conservative media.
Just Jeanine Pirro didn’t just say she is mad or angry, she just said that she’s lost all respect for Comey in full!
And she’s totally justified in her reasoning here. Personally I have no respect for the man either. How can you when you’re met with that body of evidence, the flat out lies she’s told, and the let her of Scot free.
It’s unreal. Comey’s verdict was essentially an endorsement for Clinton this election. Let’s make sure she doesn’t make it all the way.
(Source: YouTube)