A lot has been said about Hillary Clinton during this election cycle. Things like: she’s a liar, she’s a murderer [Benghazi], she’s not fit to be president. These and many other things are being debated highly by people at all levels of the government and the media. But there’s one thing that’s indisputable.
Judge Jeanine went on her show and in her opening statement dropped a bomb so large that it cannot be ignored by the media, the government, or even the courts. For the first time in American history, we have a candidate for the President of the United States that is under federal (read: criminal) investigation.
Watch Judge Pirro SKEWER Hillary and make sure the world knows the kind of scum she really is!
This is something we all need to know about. This is something that’s being swept under the rug. Yes, the media is talking about it, but not in the right context. Hillary is the only candidate ever to run that is under federal investigation and that is 100% unacceptable.
If you think Hillary should be disqualified from the presidential race because of this FACT, the share this post with everyone you know and have your voice heard!
(Source: YouTube)
[…] It’s a great thing that she’s on our side – the side of logic, facts, and truth. When Hillary wasn’t convicted of wrongdoing by the FBI, Jeanine spoke out about it. […]