Meghan McCain defended her father this week after a Twitter user brazenly accused the ailing Senator of being a racist.
Sen. McCain once voted against the creation of a national holiday for Martin Luther King Jr., a decision his daughter says he deeply regrets.
“Hey Meghan, remember when your dad voted against making #MLKDay a holiday?” tweeted an account called “Yes, You’re Racist.”
“We all live with regrets and my father points to this and his stance on the Confederate flag in 2000 as 2 of them,” Meghan responded. “We have been talking a lot about this life these days… I am still intensely proud of him and his legacy. I am sad, on MLK day, that this account would tweet me.”
Critics could reasonably say quite a bit about Sen. McCain, but calling him a racist is going too far. Especially now that he can’t defend himself. He’s currently receiving cancer treatment in Arizona. He’s not expected to return to Washington.
“The ‘Yes, You’re Racist’ Twitter account that attempted to insult McCain has nearly 400,000 followers and is the same which instructed its followers to dox a man who allegedly participated in neo-Nazi demonstrations in Charlottesville, Va., last summer,” the Daily Caller notes.
“The man, Kyle Quinn, was over 1,000 miles away from the protest and had nothing to do with it. The account was forced to apologize, but not before its followers badgered Quinn online and requested his firing from his professorship at the University of Arkansas.”
McCain has not yet responded personally.
We all live with regrets and my father points to this and his stance on the confederate flag in 2000 as 2 of them. We have been talking a lot about this life these days… I am still intensely proud of him and his legacy. I am sad, on MLK day, that this account would tweet me.
— Meghan McCain (@MeghanMcCain) January 15, 2018
(Source: Daily Caller)