Hillary Clinton’s noxious venom is irritating everyone around her. She’s trapped in a bizarre political Groundhog’s day, where last year’s election is replayed over and over. President Trump is sitting in the White House and Clinton’s still gnashing her teeth over it.
Sen. John McCain, one of the few people on earth who might be able to understand what Clinton went through, can’t believe how she’s behaving. Her “woe is me” tour has dragged on for more than a year now.
“What’s the f***ing point?” McCain asked in an interview.
“Keep the fight up… History will judge that campaign, and it’s always a period of time before they do. You’ve got to move on.”
McCain’s 2008 loss to Barack Obama probably still rankles, but the senator has enough class to behave professionally. Clinton, meanwhile, is still playing the blame game.
“One of the almost irresistible impulses you have, when you lose, is to somehow justify why you lost and how you were mistreated: ‘I did the right thing! I did!” The hardest thing to do is to just shut up.’”
Just shut up. It’s good advice. Clinton is ruining what remains of her legacy. She’s lost the chance to retire gracefully, but she can stop embarrassing herself.
“You’ve got to understand that you can’t rewrite history… This is Hillary’s problem right now: She doesn’t have anything to do,” McCain said.
McCain went back to a career in the Senate after his loss. Clinton went on a media blitz. Her opinion is less relevant than ever, but she’s still insisting on thrusting herself into the spotlight.
(Source: Daily Mail)