The democrats are at each others throats again and this time it’s something I thought I’d never hear as long as I lived.
Obama’s Iran deal, as we’ve extensively covered and reported on, is a massive blunder of the highest regard, universally panned by nearly all Republicans in the government. Obama went ahead with the deal anyway against better judgement and made a deal to relieve sanctions on a country that directly funds terrorism.
And John Kerry, Obama’s Secretary of State, thinks that this is what’s going to happen. On CNBC this morning, Kerry went on record saying that the money Iran is getting in the deal will fun terrorism!
Watch below.
Insane! I can’t believe he threw Obama under the bus like that. Kerry has been Obama’s right hand man throughout this second term. Maybe even Kerry is now seeing the evil ways that Obama has and how this deal is nothing but the wrong move.
(Source: YouTube)