Looks like the Army and Marines are about to make some serious changes.
At a Senate committee hearing this morning, top Military officials proposed major changes to the draft. Specifically, they want the inclusion of women to increase diversity and make it less of a “boys club.”
Both General Mark A. Milley (Army) and General. Robert B. Neller (Marine Corps) were in favor of this change.
The generals, both infantry officers, offered their opinions in response to a question from Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), who said that she also is in favor of the change.
“Senator, I think that all eligible and qualified men and women should register for the draft,” said Milley, echoing the remarks of Neller.
After the hearing, Neller added in an short interview that any young American as a rite of passage should have to register for Selective Service.
“Now that the restrictions that exempted women from [combat jobs] don’t exist, then you’re a citizen of a United States,” Neller said. “It doesn’t mean you’re going to serve, but you go register.”
The comments are a first in the Defense Department. Previously, senior defense officials have said only that the issue would need to be researched following Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter’s historic decision in December to open all jobs in the military to women without exception.
It’s a step no branch of the military has ever taken and it remains to be seen if this controversial change will have any lasting effect on how recruitment goes. For now, this is up for the public to debate.
(Source: Washington Post)