We’re getting better at finding ISIS operatives and shutting them down. Here’s a prime example.
In San Diego, two men were apprehended with ties to ISIS. This marks an important step in the U.S. as border patrols have become more and more aware of the presence of Muslims coming into the country via the U.S./Mexico border.
Now, armed with this knowledge, they are identifying individuals and taking them down!
Among the several dozen Pakistani and Afghan men who have entered the U.S. illegally, coming into San Diego from Tijuana, two were found to have ties to terrorist groups, according to a letter sent by U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter to the Department of Homeland Security.
Muhammad Azeem and Muktar Ahmad, both in their 20s, surrendered to U.S. Border Patrol agents in September, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement. One was listed on the Terrorist Screening Database for “associations with a known or suspected terrorist. The other was a positive match for derogatory information in an alternative database,” according to Hunter’s letter.
Azeem and Ahmad are among dozens of men — described by Border Patrol agents as “military age and carrying U.S. cash” who began entering the U.S. through a Tijuana-based human-smuggling pipeline in September.
And they continue to up the efforts.
“We have detained more Pakistanis and Afghans in the first month of this fiscal year than we did all last year,” assistant chief Richard Smith confirmed in November.
We support all you are doing for our country and at our border. Stop more terrorists from coming in! Wipe out ISIS once and for all!
(Source: San Diego Reader)